Sometimes it’s helpful to go back to the beginning. Of course we all have some dream game in our heads that we yearn
to have the skills to bring to fruition, but we have to learn to walk before we can run, and recreating an old game
from scratch can help us get there.
Pong is useful because it’s simple (and classic), but it also has many elements that are perennial in game dev:
Input processing
Basic 2D rendering
Basic 2D collision detection
Basic 2D “physics”
The only dependencies are SDL2, which we’ll use for taking in input from the keyboard, displaying to the screen, and
playing audio. SDL2 not only abstracts away the not-so-fun stuff, but it does so in a multiplatform way. The same code
can run on Linux, Windows, whatever.
It helps to lay out the requirements of the game so that we can see the work cut out for us:
A paddle for Player One should be rendered as a white rectangle
A paddle for Player Two should be rendered as a white rectangle
A ball should be rendered as a white square
A net should be rendered as a dashed line
A score for each player should be rendered as a white number above each player’s zone
WASD control Player One’s paddle, which is on the left side of the screen
Arrow keys control Player Two’s paddle, which is on the right side of the screen
The paddles should not move beyond the bounds of the screen
In the beginning, a ball starts in the center of the screen and then shoots off to the right
The ball should reflect off of the top and bottom of the window
If the ball hits the top from the left, it should reflect downward and right
If the ball hits the top from the right, it should reflect downward and left
If the ball hits the bottom from the left, it should reflect upward and right
If the ball hits the bottom from the right, it should reflect upward and left
The ball should reflect off of a player’s paddle
If the ball hits a paddle in the top third, it should reflect upward
If the ball hits a paddle in the middle third, it should reflect back horizontally
If the ball hits a paddle in the botom third, its should reflect downward
The ball should pass through the left and the right sides of the window
If the ball passes through the left side of the window (past Player One), it is a point for Player Two
If the ball passes through the right side of the window (past Player Two), it is a point for Player One
After a score occurs, the ball should start in the center and shoot off in the direction of the losing player
If the ball hits a paddle, a sound effect should play.
If the ball hits a wall, a sound effect should play.
While my previous post was all about Entity Component Systems and how awesome they are, they aren't always the best
choice. For a simple game like this, it would make things more complicated and less flexible to use an ECS. Instead,
I'll use a more traditional approach where there is a class for a single type of entity (e.g., Paddle, Ball), all
of its data is encapsulated in that class, and each object acts upon itself.
"If all you have is a hammer, everything starts to look like a nail."
Setting up SDL
I’ll skim over SDL2 because there are entire websites dedicated to it (like this one),
but basically we need to create a window, create a renderer for that window, and process events that occur within the window
(like keyboard input). For information about the SDL2 API, see their documentation.
#include<SDL2/SDL.h>constintWINDOW_WIDTH=1280;constintWINDOW_HEIGHT=720;intmain(){// Initialize SDL components
SDL_Init(SDL_INIT_VIDEO);SDL_Window*window=SDL_CreateWindow("Pong",0,0,WINDOW_WIDTH,WINDOW_HEIGHT,SDL_WINDOW_SHOWN);SDL_Renderer*renderer=SDL_CreateRenderer(window,-1,0);// Game logic
{boolrunning=true;// Continue looping and processing events until user exits
while(running){SDL_Eventevent;while(SDL_PollEvent(&event)){if(event.type==SDL_QUIT){running=false;}elseif(event.type==SDL_KEYDOWN){if(event.key.keysym.sym==SDLK_ESCAPE){running=false;}}}// Clear the window to black
// Rendering will happen here
// Present the backbuffer
SDL_RenderPresent(renderer);}}// Cleanup
I won't be doing any error checking to save time and space, but all of the SDL2 API calls should be checked for
error codes and null pointers. See the documentation for details.
You’ll notice that we clear the window and then we present the “backbuffer”. Commonly in graphics, you render to a
buffer that is not on screen (i.e., the backbuffer), and then when ready you swap it with the buffer currently on
screen and the frontbuffer becomes the backbuffer. If you rendered directly into the buffer that the player was looking
at, they would see things being drawn and it would break the illusion.
Here is the result:
Drawing the Net
Let’s start with the simplest possible thing we can get on screen: the net. It has no logic to it; it’s just a dashed
line running from the top of the screen to the bottom.
Insert the code between the clearing and presenting.
// Clear the window to black
SDL_SetRenderDrawColor(renderer,0x0,0x0,0x0,0xFF);SDL_RenderClear(renderer);// Set the draw color to be white
SDL_SetRenderDrawColor(renderer,0xFF,0xFF,0xFF,0xFF);// Draw the net
for(inty=0;y<WINDOW_HEIGHT;++y){if(y%5){SDL_RenderDrawPoint(renderer,WINDOW_WIDTH/2,y);}}// Present the backbuffer
It loops through the height of the window and draws the net at (WINDOW_WIDTH/2, y) whenever y is not a multiple of
five. That leaves a gap every 5 pixels, creating the dashed line. Note that the origin is in the upper left corner
of the screen, so that x gets bigger towards the right and y gets bigger towards the bottom. This will be important
Drawing the Ball
The ball is the next simplest thing to get on the screen, but it’s more involved because we’re going to create a class
for it.
But first, let’s create a class to encapsulate the idea of a 2-dimensionsal vector: Vec2. It has two floats,
x and y, which we can use to represent position and (later) velocity.
Some convenient operators are overloaded so that we can do something like position += velocity * time, and it knows
how to apply addition and multiplication to both x and y.
I don't use getters or setters anywhere in this code because I think they should be reserved for when some sort of
logic is required (e.g., incrementing a pointer before returning a value), rather than a simple x = val or
return x.
They also make math operations hard to read.
Simple rectangular geometry is describe in SDL2 as an SDL_Rect, which describes an object’s width and height, and
its position in 2D space. We initialize the ball with a position and it fills out the SDL_Rect. When it goes to
draw itself, it updates the SDL_Rect’s position with the ball object’s position, and tells SDL to render it to the
Ideally we wouldn't want something like a Ball to need to know about something like SDL_Renderer. In
a bigger game we'd like to keep Paddles and Balls ignorant of the rendering system, but for Pong it would
add unnecessary complexity.
We then need to create a ball object and draw it:
SDL_Init(SDL_INIT_VIDEO);SDL_Window*window=SDL_CreateWindow("Pong",0,0,WINDOW_WIDTH,WINDOW_HEIGHT,SDL_WINDOW_SHOWN);SDL_Renderer*renderer=SDL_CreateRenderer(window,-1,0);// Create the ball
Ballball(Vec2((WINDOW_WIDTH/2.0f)-(BALL_WIDTH/2.0f),(WINDOW_HEIGHT/2.0f)-(BALL_WIDTH/2.0f)));[...]// Draw the ball
ball.Draw(renderer);// Present the backbuffer
The ball’s initial position is set to the middle of the screen. Half of the ball’s width and height are subtracted from
the x and y values because SDL2 considers the origin of an object to be the upper left corner. If we don’t do
the subtraction then they actually start off center which is fine, but aesthetically unappealing.
Drawing the Paddles
Now for the paddles. We’ll create a class for these just like we did for the ball. It looks very similar to the Ball
class for now, but that will change later.
// Create the ball
Ballball(Vec2(WINDOW_WIDTH/2.0f,WINDOW_HEIGHT/2.0f));// Create the paddles
PaddlepaddleOne(Vec2(50.0f,(WINDOW_HEIGHT/2.0f)-(PADDLE_HEIGHT/2.0f)));PaddlepaddleTwo(Vec2(WINDOW_WIDTH-50.0f,(WINDOW_HEIGHT/2.0f)-(PADDLE_HEIGHT/2.0f)));[...]// Draw the ball
ball.Draw(renderer);// Draw the paddles
paddleOne.Draw(renderer);paddleTwo.Draw(renderer);// Present the backbuffer
paddleOne is created with an initial position of x=50.0 so that it’s slightly away from the screen edge. Like
the ball, we set its initial y to the middle, and compensate for the corner origin by subtracting its height.
paddleTwo is the same on the y axis, but its x is instead 50 units away from the right side of the screen.
Displaying the Scores
The last thing we need to put on the screen before diving into gameplay logic is the player scores. It will be another
class, and it will interact with the text rendering piece of SDL2: SDL2_ttf.
We first need to supply a font for SDL2 to use. I’m using Deja Vu Sans Mono because it’s free. You can get it
here. Unzip and place it in the
same directory as your compiled binary.
There is some SDL2 setup that needs to happen for the font to be usable:
Essentially, SDL2 writes the (white) text onto an SDL_Surface and then creates a texture from that surface which is what is
actually drawn to the screen. Any time the score changes, a new surface and texture must be created, and the old ones
are destroyed. The class keeps a pointer to renderer and font because they’re needed whenever the score is updated.
We can now display the scores.
// Initialize the font
TTF_Font*scoreFont=TTF_OpenFont("DejaVuSansMono.ttf",40);// Create the player score text fields
PlayerScoreplayerOneScoreText(Vec2(WINDOW_WIDTH/4,20),renderer,scoreFont,scoreColor);PlayerScoreplayerTwoScoreText(Vec2(3*WINDOW_WIDTH/4,20),renderer,scoreFont,scoreColor);[...]// Draw the paddles
paddleOne.Draw(renderer);paddleTwo.Draw(renderer);// Display the scores
playerOneScoreText is set to a position 20 units down from the top of the screen and 1/4 of the way across, while
playerTwoScoreText is set to a position 20 units down from the top of the screen and 3/4 of the way across.
Moving the Paddles
Finally it’s time to make something move. We need to take keyboard input and translate it into paddle movement. The paddles
can only move along the y-axis, and they should not move beyond the bounds of the screen.
First, let’s add a new field to the Paddle class that stores the paddle’s current velocity. Velocity for our purposes
simply indicates three states: moving up, moving down, or not moving at all. If moving, it happens at a constant speed
(i.e., no acceleration).
We also need to add an Update method to Paddle that updates its position as a function of its velocity and the
time that passed between the last frame and the current frame: dt. If you don’t use dt, then changes in framerate
will affect the speed of the paddle’s movement. By multiplying by dt, you always get PADDLE_SPEED units of movement
per second.
classPaddle{public:Paddle(Vec2position,Vec2velocity):position(position),velocity(velocity){rect.x=static_cast<int>(position.x);rect.y=static_cast<int>(position.y);rect.w=PADDLE_WIDTH;rect.h=PADDLE_HEIGHT;}voidUpdate(floatdt){position+=velocity*dt;if(position.y<0){// Restrict to top of the screen
position.y=0;}elseif(position.y>(WINDOW_HEIGHT-PADDLE_HEIGHT)){// Restrict to bottom of the screen
When checking to see if the paddle is moving off the bottom of the screen, we again compensate for the origin being in the
upper left corner.
We also need to now track the time between frames, which is quick and easy.
#include<chrono>#include<SDL2/SDL.h>#include<SDL2/SDL_ttf.h>[...]boolrunning=true;floatdt=0.0f;while(running){autostartTime=std::chrono::high_resolution_clock::now();[...]// Calculate frame time
Before we can add the code to get the input, we need to modify our paddle instantiations to pass in the initial paddle
velocities. We want them to zero to start.
[...]// Create the paddles
Now we check for input on WASD and the arrow keys. We already received keyboard input when we used the Escape key to
quit the game, and getting the other keys is no different. However, we also want to know when a key is released, and
we need to store each key’s state so we can check it later. We’ll use an array of bools where each index corresponds
to the four inputs (enumerated in Buttons): paddle one moving up, paddle one moving down, paddle two moving up,
and paddle two moving down.
After checking for input, we then tell each paddle to update their positions.
enumButtons{PaddleOneUp=0,PaddleOneDown,PaddleTwoUp,PaddleTwoDown,};constfloatPADDLE_SPEED=1.0f;[...]boolrunning=true;boolbuttons[4]={};floatdt=0.0f;while(running){autostartTime=std::chrono::high_resolution_clock::now();SDL_Eventevent;while(SDL_PollEvent(&event)){if(event.type==SDL_QUIT){running=false;}elseif(event.type==SDL_KEYDOWN){if(event.key.keysym.sym==SDLK_ESCAPE){running=false;}elseif(event.key.keysym.sym==SDLK_w){buttons[Buttons::PaddleOneUp]=true;}elseif(event.key.keysym.sym==SDLK_s){buttons[Buttons::PaddleOneDown]=true;}elseif(event.key.keysym.sym==SDLK_UP){buttons[Buttons::PaddleTwoUp]=true;}elseif(event.key.keysym.sym==SDLK_DOWN){buttons[Buttons::PaddleTwoDown]=true;}}elseif(event.type==SDL_KEYUP){if(event.key.keysym.sym==SDLK_w){buttons[Buttons::PaddleOneUp]=false;}elseif(event.key.keysym.sym==SDLK_s){buttons[Buttons::PaddleOneDown]=false;}elseif(event.key.keysym.sym==SDLK_UP){buttons[Buttons::PaddleTwoUp]=false;}elseif(event.key.keysym.sym==SDLK_DOWN){buttons[Buttons::PaddleTwoDown]=false;}}}if(buttons[Buttons::PaddleOneUp]){paddleOne.velocity.y=-PADDLE_SPEED;}elseif(buttons[Buttons::PaddleOneDown]){paddleOne.velocity.y=PADDLE_SPEED;}else{paddleOne.velocity.y=0.0f;}if(buttons[Buttons::PaddleTwoUp]){paddleTwo.velocity.y=-PADDLE_SPEED;}elseif(buttons[Buttons::PaddleTwoDown]){paddleTwo.velocity.y=PADDLE_SPEED;}else{paddleTwo.velocity.y=0.0f;}// Update the paddle positions
The Buttons enum is not an enum class (the more modern way of using an enum for better type-safety)
because it is used as an index into an array which isn't allowed with an enum class.
And now we have paddle movement!
Moving the Ball
To get the ball moving, we need need to add a velocity component to it like we did for the paddles.
The velocity of the ball won’t be controlled by the players of course, but instead will change depending on the ball’s
interactions with the paddles and the walls. To start we’ll just add some initial velocity.
[...]constfloatBALL_SPEED=1.0f;[...]// Create the ball
Ballball(Vec2(WINDOW_WIDTH/2.0f,WINDOW_HEIGHT/2.0f),Vec2(BALL_SPEED,0.0f));[...]// Update the paddle positions
paddleOne.Update(dt);paddleTwo.Update(dt);// Update the ball position
The game will start with the ball heading to the right.
Colliding with the Paddles
Now the fun stuff. We have everything drawing on screen, we now only need to have the ball interact with the world to
get the actual gameplay going.
Collision detection is a vast and complicated topic. Fortunately for us it’s rather simple for Pong because of two things:
it’s 2D (3D gets much more complicated), and everything in the game is aligned to the axes (the sides of the paddles
and the sides of the ball are all parallel with either the x- or the y-axis).
To detect a collision between the balls and the paddles, we’ll make use of something called the Separating Axis
Theorem (SAT). The SAT says (in simplified terms) that if you can show that the projections of two objects onto an
axis have a gap, then the objects are not colliding. It gets pretty complicated if your 2D objects are rotated or
you’re working in 3D, but for us it’s simpler.
What we want to do is project (cast a shadow) from each object to each axis, so project from the ball onto the x-
and y-axis, and project from the paddle onto the x- and y-axis. If we can find even a single axis on which the projections
don’t touch, then the objects are not colliding.
In the following diagrams, the lines connect the objects to their projections. When orange and green overlap, there is
a possible collision. Only if both cases overlap is there actually a collision.
In the first two examples, there are overlapping projections on a single axis but not both. In the third example there
is overlapping on both and the two objects are in fact colliding.
In code, to “project” onto the axes, we actually just need x-coordinates of the left and right of the paddle and ball,
and the y-coordinates of the top and bottom of the paddle and ball. The top and the bottom are projected onto the y-axis,
and the left and the right are projected onto the x-axis (look at the examples above again).
Remember that the origins of each are in the top left corner. The math would be different otherwise.
We then check for each of the four possible gaps that could occur, and if any of them exist, there is no collision.
In the loop, We check for the ball colliding with each paddle and, if there’s a hit, send the ball back the other
direction by negating its velocity along the x-axis. A simple reflection.
[...]// Update the paddle positions
paddleOne.Update(dt);paddleTwo.Update(dt);// Update the ball position
ball.Update(dt);// Check collisions
The reflections are so easy to calculate because everything is axially aligned. When rotations enter the mix, you have
to bring in linear algebra.
Which gives us this:
Well that’s pretty boring. If you look at a video of the old Pong, the ball bounces at an extreme angle when it hits a
paddle, and the direction is dependent on where on the paddle it hits. So let’s do that. If it hits the paddle in
the middle, it’ll reflect back like in the video, but if it hits at the top it’ll reflect upward and if it hits at the
bottom it’ll reflect downward.
We also need to move the ball outside of the paddle when it penetrates. If we don’t do that, the ball will sometimes
get stuck in the paddle when a collision is detected and the ball’s velocity is reversed, but then another collision
is detected before it leaves the paddle, resulting in a weird oscillatory effect.
We’ll create an enum to enumerate the types of collisions, and a struct to hold that type as well as the penetration
amount, and then return that from the collision-checking function instead.
We’ll also add a CollideWithPaddle method to Ball to keep Ball operating on its own data.
enumclassCollisionType{None,Top,Middle,Bottom};structContact{CollisionTypetype;floatpenetration;};[...]classBall{[...]voidCollideWithPaddle(Contactconst&contact){position.x+=contact.penetration;velocity.x=-velocity.x;if(contact.type==CollisionType::Top){velocity.y=-.75f*BALL_SPEED;}elseif(contact.type==CollisionType::Bottom){velocity.y=0.75f*BALL_SPEED;}}[...]};[...]ContactCheckPaddleCollision(Ballconst&ball,Paddleconst&paddle){floatballLeft=ball.position.x;floatballRight=ball.position.x+BALL_WIDTH;floatballTop=ball.position.y;floatballBottom=ball.position.y+BALL_HEIGHT;floatpaddleLeft=paddle.position.x;floatpaddleRight=paddle.position.x+PADDLE_WIDTH;floatpaddleTop=paddle.position.y;floatpaddleBottom=paddle.position.y+PADDLE_HEIGHT;Contactcontact{};if(ballLeft>=paddleRight){returncontact;}if(ballRight<=paddleLeft){returncontact;}if(ballTop>=paddleBottom){returncontact;}if(ballBottom<=paddleTop){returncontact;}floatpaddleRangeUpper=paddleBottom-(2.0f*PADDLE_HEIGHT/3.0f);floatpaddleRangeMiddle=paddleBottom-(PADDLE_HEIGHT/3.0f);if(ball.velocity.x<0){// Left paddle
contact.penetration=paddleRight-ballLeft;}elseif(ball.velocity.x>0){// Right paddle
contact.penetration=paddleLeft-ballRight;}if((ballBottom>paddleTop)&&(ballBottom<paddleRangeUpper)){contact.type=CollisionType::Top;}elseif((ballBottom>paddleRangeUpper)&&(ballBottom<paddleRangeMiddle)){contact.type=CollisionType::Middle;}else{contact.type=CollisionType::Bottom;}returncontact;}[...]// Update the paddle positions
paddleOne.Update(dt);paddleTwo.Update(dt);// Update the ball position
ball.Update(dt);// Check collisions
Why a struct and not a class? Even though all of the classes so far have been entirely public (which is
the same as a struct), I like to reserve the term struct for Plain Old Data with no logic of any kind,
while a class is a bundle of logic and data together.
The first item in CollisionType is None, so by initializing a Contact to default values with {}, its
type is implicitly set to None, which is why we’re able to return it immediately when we find a gap via the SAT.
We reflect differently depending on the paddle zone (Top, Bottom, or Middle). Multiplying the ball’s speed by 0.75 gives
it a nice sharp angle (assuming a speed of 1.0, then the resultant vector is [1.0, 0.75]).
Much better, but we now we need wall collision.
Colliding with the Walls
Colliding with the wall is a lot simpler than colliding with a paddle because the extents and position of the walls
are always the same: (0,0) to (WINDOW_WIDTH,WINDOW_HEIGHT). We just check the edges of the ball with the left, right,
top, and bottom of the window.
We can use the same CollisionType enum as before, we just need to add Left and Right to it.
The penetration depth is only important when colliding with the top and bottom walls because of the bouncing, while
a left or right collision just indicates that someone scored so no penetration is needed.
We’ll add a method to Ball for wall collisions, and then check for them in the main loop.
If the ball goes off the left or right side of the screen, then someone has scored and the ball is reset to the middle,
shooting off towards the side of the loser. If it hits the top or bottom edges, it’s moved outside according to the
penetration depth and is reflected.
Keeping Score
We already have the functionality that displays the scores, we now just need to actually keep track and update the
score display.
Let’s add a function to PlayerScore to allow for setting the score.
If the ball has a passes through the left side of the window, it’s a score for Player Two. If the ball passes
through the right side of the window, it’s a score for Player One.
Adding Sound Effects
Audio is also a complicated topic, but thankfully SDL2 makes it easy enough, at least for simple sound effects. We
need to initialize SDL2’s audio subsystem like we did for video and text, and then create the sound effects for a
paddle hit or a wall hit.
Download the two WAV files, rename them accordingly, and put them in the same directory as your executable.
Thanks to NoiseCollector for creating and releasing those.
We initialize the audio subsystem with some safe defaults (see SDL2 documentation), create the sound “chunks”,
play them where appropriate, and free everything when we’re done.
I only built and ran it on Linux, but SDL2 is multiplatform, so you should be able to get it to build on anything so
long as you understand your local OS's build system.
All of the code is in a single Main.cpp file which, in a more complicated game, would be a bad idea, but for
something this simple breaking everything apart would make it harder to understand (in my humble opinion).