May 15, 2022

Pac-Man: Week Eight


A month ago I posted a video of my progress to Reddit and was surprised to see that it got a lot of positive feedback. I expected maybe 30 upvotes and a comment or two. Instead it received 500+ upvotes and 50+ comments.

Many people complimented the visuals which I didn’t expect because I’m not an artist. Some also complimented the sound design which, again, was unexpected.

A few comments offered some constructive criticism which I took seriously, the main one being that the horror feel was well done but the powerup mode didn’t fit the mood or aesthetic. I agree.

I set out to create a game that took the overall premise of Pac-Man (wandering around a maze, collecting some items, avoiding four enemies, getting a powerup that let you turn the tables on the enemies) but from a first-person perspective. Somewhere along the way the game became darker and moodier and more horror-esque.

The fact that I accidentally created a horror game probably reveals something about my personality, but regardless of intent, I seem to have stumbled upon an aesthetic that some people find compelling.

So I decided to lean more into the horror aspect by maintaining the oppressive mood.

Alternate Powerup

I realized I needed to move away from the Pac-Man gameplay element of a powerup that made the enemies run from you, so that meant removing the ability to attack the skulls and the accompanying upbeat music.

To accomplish that, I changed the powerup mode to instead make the walls transparent for a brief time so that you could see what coins you were missing. You’re unable to see the skulls through the walls, and they no longer fear you, so it ensures they remain threatening throughout.

Coin Counter

I like diegetic user interfaces where the UI information is placed in the game rather than pasted on top. My favorite example is Dead Space, where your health is displayed on the back of your suit. I think Dead Space demonstrates that, especially for horror games, a lack of a traditional UI can help maintain a game’s atmosphere.

My solution was to create a central safe zone in the middle of the maze that holds the powerups (so that you would be able to grab one and have a 360 view of the entire maze) as well as a coin indicator that displays how many coins are left to collect.

I’m still not satisfied with this solution though because while the score is technically “in the world”, there’s no logical reason why there would be a floating coin with a number hovering over the top. Nonetheless, it works for now at least.

More Atmosphere

To further complement the mood I added:

Stereo Audio

I modified the audio system to be able to have attenuated positional sound sources to enhance the soundscape. Right now it’s just the Left and Right channel, but maybe in the future I’ll add support for rear as well.

Creepier Skulls

To make the skulls even more frightening, I made it so that their mouths open as they get closer to you, as if they were going to swallow you.


A lot of unseen work went into engine features that facilitated features or simply made my life easier.

I try to write the simplest code first that does whatever I need in the shortest amount of time. Then, if the need arises later, I rewrite. I think that’s preferable to spending time writing code to be “future-proof” that ends up never being needed.

Some engine systems I worked on were: positional audio, object culling, better asset management, shader reloading, a UI system, and scene hierarchies.


Here’s a short video of everything so far:


The Game Isn’t Fun

The game in its current form isn’t very fun.

Walking around a maze collecting coins is cool at first but gets boring quickly. I could add a timer so that the goal is to collect all of the coins as quick as possible. Then successive runs would be attempts at finding the best path to collect everything in the shortest amount of time.

But the enemies aren’t dangerous and essentially add nothing to the gameplay. They’re creepy, sure, but dodging them is easy because if I make them faster and smarter then the game becomes frustrating.

The original Pac-Man worked because you had all of the information at a glance: Pac-Man’s location, the pellet locations, and the ghost locations. Good players learned the enemy behavior and were able to predict their moves and avoid them.

That doesn’t work in first-person because you never know if there’s a skull right around the corner. That’s what makes it tense and creepy. But if I make the skulls faster and smarter then the player is constantly being cornered and caught which doesn’t feel fair because you had no defense against it.

What’s Next

Finding the Fun

I need to take some time and figure out how I can make the game more fun without throwing everything away.

Maybe that means adding additional hazards, items, enemies, and mechanics.

Or maybe it means moving away from the Pac-Man inspiration entirely and finding something else that suits the atmosphere.

Last Edited: Mar 11, 2025